This notice is posted on behalf of Rescue Reston, in anticipation of our meeting with the Reston National Study Group
What is the “Reston National Neighborhood Study Group?”
Reston National Golf Course developer-owners Weller/War Horse have created the Reston National Neighborhood Study Group to “fully understand the challenges and opportunities facing our Neighborhood.”
BUT: Rescue Reston believes that Weller/War Horse equates “opportunities” with property development and “challenges” with convincing Reston residents that having more buildings instead of a golf course is in our interest.
The “Study Group” is inviting each cluster to a tent show for a “conversation about current issues and the future of Reston National.” This focuses on their expensive evaluation of invasive plants on the golf course and convincing you that this is also your problem. They are presenting graphics showing that Reston has more invasive plant species than anywhere else in Fairfax County. In fact, they do not know this because invasive plants have not been comprehensively measured in the whole County. Reston Association knows more about how many invasive plants are here than other parts of the County do because RA has already evaluated the situation and organizes both staff and volunteer resources to control invasive plants.
How are residents being contacted?
Cluster residents are receiving invitations in the postal mail for an informational meeting under a big white tent at the RNGC 1st tee. Each meeting is for a specific cluster. The first tent show was for Hunters Green cluster on May 13; the second for Newbridge cluster on May 27.
RSVPs are required. The developers are collecting names, email addresses, and zip codes.
Why does Rescue Reston want to know what cluster we live in?
This helps us communicate with those directly impacted by the threat of development. We never share our email list.
What can a resident like me do?
When your cluster is invited, send a few representatives and ask questions about the developers’ plans. Press for specifics.
Read through this article before attending:
Rescue Reston welcomes your observations about the presentation. Email us at
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Subscribe to the Rescue Reston email list and please identify which cluster you live in. (