We would like to express our deepest condolences to Bob Babcock, Kati and Elli (11868 South Lakes Court) on the loss of Jodi who passed away on September 19th after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Those of us who knew Jodi will miss her spirit for life and her sense of humor. The Babcock/Imel family has been an integral part of this community for over 24 years.
Please join us in welcoming Ania and Chris VanDeusen and their three-year-old daughter, Zoysia, to South Lakes Court.
Cluster cleanup will be Saturday, October 10th. Due to Covid, we ask again that residents “do their own thing” and clean up around the cluster individually as opposed to our normal group cleanups. A few suggestions:
There is always trash to be picked up (especially down the front on South Lakes Drive and Colts Neck Road, and along the path which cuts through the cluster)
Parking lot gutters need to be cleaned
Drainage areas need to be kept open.
The landscaping company has trimmed back some of the bushes so there is less to do there this fall.
Treasurer's report: Let’s keep this trend going! Everyone is paid through the first three quarters. If we get all dues for this quarter paid by their due date of October 31st, we will end the year with everyone paid on time. We anticipate dues rising $5 per quarter, beginning in January.
Since the financial report, which went to all owners with the notice of the annual meeting, we have received a rate increase on our trash collection. The company tried raising the price about 12.25% due to all their hardships from Covid, but when the (five year) contract was executed in October 2017, we had them include a provision stating that the price could not increase more than 3.5%. They dropped the increase back down after Jenni sent a letter to the company pointing out that this rate increase was not permissible per our contract.
We are aware that yard debris pickup has been problematic, and they have stated that they hope to get this issue resolved by the time there is way more yard debris (which is fast approaching.) We were paying $692.36 per month in September 2017. The contract that Trinidad secured with American dropped our price to $551.00 per month and as of October 1st we will be paying $598.80 per month which is still nearly $100 per month lower than three years ago.
We expect at the Annual Meeting that membership will vote to replace the Fairgreen sign on Colts Neck Court which has deteriorated to the point of falling. We have the funds for the replacement of both signs should that be needed, although the South Lakes sign is in much better shape. These signs were installed in 1990.
As always, we want to remind everyone that trash should not be put out until after dark the night before pickup. This applies to ALL trash, including yard waste, except during cluster cleanup. We are getting more complaints that people are putting trash out early. As it gets darker earlier, trash can go out a bit earlier. All trash cans should be retrieved by the evening of pickup day. If you will be out of town, please ask a neighbor to assist in taking your trashcan or recycling out / bringing it in. Most people here are glad to help!
Also keep in mind the wildlife here is abundant. We do not want to draw rats due to trash sitting outside. The deer have been abundant this summer, and recently one resident saw four raccoons together. We have foxes, occasional skunks, an opossum was seen once and of course way too many squirrels and chipmunks. Thanks to plenty of neighbors supplying food (especially in the winter) we have an array of birds too. Some neighbors had luck this year with baby birds in their birdhouses, others have had them hatch in their bushes, in flowerpots, and this past spring one pair began a family in the ceiling over a resident’s porch.
Cars and license plates: Please be sure that both your license plates and your safety inspections are up to date! Per our parking and car rules, cars must be kept current, both in safety and in registration. We do not like sending letters reminding residents of parking violations so please keep your car in compliance!
Annual Meeting: Our annual meeting is scheduled for October 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Reston Community Center. Chairs will be placed at a social distance. Please remember to bring your mask!