Who: Fairgreen Cluster Residents
What: A meeting with the Reston National Study Group to discuss development on Reston National Golf Course
When: July 22nd, 2021 | 7:00 p.m.
Where: The white tent located next to the Reston National Clubhouse
Background: Several years ago, Rescue Reston, Reston Association, and County fought an initial battle determining that Northwestern Mutual did NOT have an absolute right to develop the golf course. Northwestern Mutual went on to sell the golf course two years later to two Baltimore developers: Weller Development Company and War Horse Cities. These two developers paid what was reported to be 23.75 million dollars in the spring of 2019 for the 168-acre golf course. They bought a golf course, with no intention of operating a golf course, despite its profitability.
Similar to what has been happening with Hidden Creek Golf Course, they want to develop Reston National and so far, their tactics are not exactly been above board. For example, at Hidden Creek, they sent out drawings showing where they planned some development and showed that they would maintain plenty of tree cover. In fact, many of those places were already developed. They have set up a LLC named Virginia Investment Partners LLC to own the Reston National property and are funding a group called The Reston National Neighborhood Study Group and the efforts of Greg Hamm through New City Enterprises, LLC. Their goal is to meet with Reston residents, particularly those of us who live on the edge of the golf course and convince us to say we are “okay” with losing the golf course and with development there with perhaps a small park or something. Their website says development needs to be done according to seven principles Robert Simon set up when he founded Reston, yet nowhere does it mention open space.
Supervisor Alcorn has said he will listen to the desires of Reston residents living along the golf course, and that later this year he will hold an open forum where we can speak and provide our feedback. We want you to be cognizant that this group is doing surveys by phone and are trying to elicit the responses they want via their questions. Do not be fooled by these surveys. Their options don't usually include staying the way it is. See Rescue Reston's website www.rescuereston.org for reports of some people who have been called.
They are claiming that due to its age, Reston is declining and has to be revitalized. They claim that there are way too many invasive species on the golf course and using that as a reason it should be developed. One such claim mentioned that Reston has more invasive species than anywhere else in Fairfax County. Reston Association owns a lot of property in Reston and tracks and bans certain evasive species. Other parts of the county do not track this; thus this is a narrative that is being misstated.
Recue Reston is staying on top of all this as well. If you’re in a position to make a financial donation to them, please consider doing so. They are asking that we all sign up to receive their updates, which will include when Supervisor Alcorn schedules the forum for comments, etc. Rescue Reston also plans to provide an online tool in order to express our individual opinions to Supervisor Alcorn, Reston Association, Chairman McKay and possibly others. We will keep you up to date as well when this happens, but we need you all to be proactive as well.
If we want to keep the golf course we all need to get involved in this effort not to allow the new owner to get the county to change the comprehensive plan. Please join us next to the Clubhouse on July 22nd, at 7:00 p.m.
Please note: We ask that there be no screaming, hollering, cursing, etc. at this meeting. We can express our views in a civil manner and question the representative in the same manner about their facts or lack thereof. This is their chance to tell us why the golf course should be developed and attempt to persuade us. We will have an opportunity later in the year to let Supervisor Alcorn and others know exactly how we feel. That will be the most important thing we can do and we will keep everyone advised when that opportunity is available.