Welcome to Roshan Vijay Sawant and Nitya Prabhakar Yadav, the new owners of 2013 Colts Neck Court.
Cluster cleanup: April 23, 2022. Rain date the following weekend. Things to do are a general sprucing up: picking up any downed limbs and branches from the winter, pulling ivy off of trees, cleaning debris around drains, picking up of trash along the streets and paths and in the woods along the paths, weeding hostas on the stairs to the tot lot, etc. Our landscaping company is pruning most bushes so they should not need attention. We all live here and would like more people to participate in helping to clean up the common areas. There are a number of ways you can help even if you cannot help that day. We also want to thank Rodney D'Souza (nonresident owner) and Steve Tucker for their financial contributions since they are unable to participate in these cleanups.
Yard waste season: We are back in yard waste season (until December 25th) when our yard
waste is due to be picked up on Fridays. We all know how well that went last year. But that is our official day. Yard waste must be bagged in paper bags. No plastic bags are accepted – even biodegradable ones as they clog up the machinery for composting. Sticks and limbs can be placed in bags with leaves or can be cut and tied in lengths no longer than 4 feet. The bundles must be tied in a manner that they do not fall apart when picked up.
Other trash information. No trash is to be put out before dark the night before pickup. This means with it being light longer, the trash has to go out later. All trash cans should be returned to your homes the day of pickup. If you will be out of town ask a neighbor for help. Also please write your house number on your trash cans so if left by the trash company in a different spot they can be returned to you. American Disposal asks that we not write on their recycling bins, but that you can use mailbox stick on letters on them. Many people are going to their own recycling can, either the bigger ones on wheels or others with lids. On windy days, which are a lot these days, please try to contain your recycling so it is not blowing all over the cluster. Enclosed is a flyer for what Fairfax County considers recyclables. All cardboard boxes are supposed to be broken down for recycling. There are "purple bins" at the rear of the Park and Ride on the corner of Reston Parkway and Lawyers Road for recycling of glass which the county no longer accepts.
Sherwin Williams Paint Discount: Reston Association has a program with Sherwin Williams where cluster members can obtain discounts of 30% to 40% off paints and stains and 15% off paint supplies. The discount varies by product line. Members of our cluster have a discount account number of 1474-1805-7.
Sherwin Williams has given us paints comparable to our Olympic paint palette in their brands of paints. Reston Association has advised that in order to make them a part of our approved colors we need to submit an application for them to be added. We have prepared that application and are filing with Reston Association a request that these colors be added. We will advise you when they are officially added and the exact colors added. You can always request from Reston Assn approval for colors comparable to the Olympic palette.
Everyone please remember that when you make improvements outside that you need to get RA approval for many things. There are a number of things for which we have master approvals. There are some things that may not need approval, but we suggest you check with your advisor and get that in writing for your files. Other things like window replacement, decks, etc. are approved individually. The general guidelines can be found on Reston Associations website under their resource hub. Because it takes a while to get your approvals, file with RA as soon as you decide on upgrades to your properties.
We recently have received several requests for skylight information. Skylight replacements have an approval for the design that RA approved in 2006. All new skylights must be installed in accordance with those guidelines and must have the bronze/brown frame. Should you need help ask a Board member for a copy of the approval or contact our advisor at RA, Erin Gable – erin@reston.org.
Parking lot repaving coming soon. Most everyone knows this was planned for 2020, but postponed due to covid. The parking lots are continuing to deteriorate and we are in the process of having them redone this summer. The Board has held the pre-bid meeting with our consultant and contractors and expects to receive a bid around the first week of April and to make a decision at is April board meeting. This work will cause an inconvenience to us all, but needs to be done. The parking lots were last completely redone in 1998. We will all be out of the lots 3 or 4 days. We will have to stop mail deliveries (you can pick it up at the post office during this time if needed), trash will have to be curtailed at least once. We have requested that the work not begin on a Monday for that reason. Your own personal deliveries will have to be curtailed. We will give you information as soon as we have it so everyone can make plans. However, we all know weather will affect the dates of our work and others ahead of us. A tow truck will be on standby to remove any cars that do not leave the parking lot at the designated time. We will do our best to make arrangements with the Fairfax County Park for parking at South Lakes Park and hopefully with the golf course. Reston Assn has advised that we could park some cars in their lot on the corner of Reston Parkway and Sunrise Valley Drive each night. There won't be enough parking at the park for everyone and we hope that some families with two cars can make arrangements to carpool and leave one car at family, friends, or work. Thankfully this is not done but about every 20 years.
Sidewalks for individual owners: As a part of the paving project some broken slabs of cluster sidewalks will be replaced. If you want to get a bid from the contractor we choose for a slab or your whole sidewalk, contact Debbie Carroll or another board member. All the contractors we met with advised if awarded the bid, they would also do individual work; however, they will need to be paid up front by individual owners wishing sidewalk repairs. They will come out between the time the cluster's contract is signed and the work date to give individual owners quotes. Information will also be sent out via the cluster e-mail account after the contractor is selected. Generally in the past we have found this a bit cheaper for individual owners to do their work when contractors are already on the premises. The contractors did tell us getting concrete is an issue these days and sometimes the work gets delayed several times.
Upcoming board meetings: 7:00 p.m.
April 20 - 2129 Colts Neck Court
May 18 – tentatively 11850- South Lakes Court
June 15 – tentatively 11850 South Lakes Court
July – generally no meeting
August 17 – 11856 South Lakes Court
September 21 – place to be determined
October -5 – 7:30 p.m. – annual meeting – Community Center – Hunters Woods
November 16 – place to be determined
December – generally no meeting